Track: They Died with their Willie Nelson T-Shirts On (Subversive, 1985)
There’s something insanely, psychotically thrilling about bike wrecks - especially if you happen to survive one, I guess.
One time I was on the back of Sean’s Kawasaki GPZ burning up
Taking a hairpin curve outside Malibu we hit a patch of oil and felt the bike slide from under us.
As we were going down I knew I was gonna die, but strangely enough I couldn’t help thinking about the red-head I'd spent that night with and the small baggie of grass I had stashed in my back pocket.
Time seemed to stand still as we skidded along PCH, parts of the motorcycle scattering in our wake.
But then a miracle happened. Operating on pure intuition, Sean somehow managed to pull us out of the skid.
We coasted to a rest area near
When we got home we rolled a joint and played Sonic Youth's In the Kingdom #19: “Screeching along the guard rail, scraping paint and throwing sparks like sheets of pure terror/Suddenly all is quiet there in the sunlight on the highway.”
There’s a million great rock ‘n’ roll songs about road accidents: Leader of the Pack by The Shangri-las, Come Back, Jonee by Devo, Always Crashing in the Same Car by Bowie, Airbag by Radiohead.
My personal favorite is the fantastic noise orgy They Died With Their Willie Nelson T-Shirts On by Sewer Zombies
Like the day Sean and I almost crapped out on